Sweet Potato Rosti

Serves: 2 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes


1 medium sweet potato

1 garlic clove

1tbsp fresh herbs (thyme, parsley, sage)

2tsp olive oil

Pinch salt


2 eggs for poaching

1tsp black sesame seeds


For the rosti

Grate the sweet potato & squeeze out excess juices so mixture isn't too wet.

Roughly chop herbs & finely chop garlic then add into sweet potato mixture along with salt & mix together

Heat olive oil in the pan

Grab 1/2 mixture with hands and place in pan, pressing out to make a circular shape. Repeat with other half of mixture

Press rostis into pan with spatula to flatten

Cook 2-3minutes each side until golden brown, then flip.

For the egg

Boil saucepan of water

When water is boiling, bring down to simmer & swirl water in clockwise direction then drop your eggs in one at a time and let poach for 3 minutes

Nutritional benefits

Sweet potato is rich in;

Vitamin A. One medium sweet potato contains over 400% of our daily requirements. Vitamin A is extremely beneficial for eye health as well as ones immune system (boosting immune cell function [T cells])

Antioxidants. These potatoes are loaded with antioxidants including beta-carotene. Antioxidants are beneficial to reduce inflammation in the body caused by free radicals, protecting our tissues from damage.


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